AXIA Systems Inc. Apps

AXIA Capital Bank 1.0
The AXIA Capital Bank mobile application is the go to resourceforexisting AXIA Capital Bank customers to securely, conveniently,andglobally manage their digital and fiat currency accounts. AsanAXIA Capital Bank account customer you can manage yourfinances,transfer funds and make withdrawals, all in one mobileplatform.The AXIA Capital Bank mobile application allows you toseamlessly:Quickly access your account information with a securesign-in Viewand update your profile and other account informationReview youraccount activity and daily interest accrual From thecomfort of theapplication you can also: Transfer funds to otherAXIA Capital Bankcustomers Receive funds from AXIA Capital Bankcustomers Send andreceive wire transfers Fund connected paymentcards Generate andredeem Gift Cards Accumulate and view AXIALoyalty Points
AXperience 1.0.0
AXperience is a free social networking app that allows youtoconnect with your friends and followers all around the world.Youcan add photos, videos directly to your feed, send messagesandsecurely transact with this cost efficient, simplemulti-functionalapplication. You can register here to create yourAXIA Wallet or ifyou already have an AXIA Wallet simply login andit will beimmediately integrated into your AXperience profile. Nowyou canshare all your experiences and get to see what everyone youarefollowing is up to while being able to monetize your content inavariety of ways all at the same time. You can syncAXperienceacross all your devices whether they be a phone, computerortablet. This allows you to use multiple devices at the sametime.Security is of the highest priority. Therefore, AXperiencesupportsend-to-end encryption for messaging, as well as both voiceandvideo calls.
AXconnect 1.0.2
AXconnect - is a free social networking app that can be usedtoconnect with people while also being utilized for globalexchangewith people all around the world. Keep up with friends,family andcolleagues freely, easily and securely. You can watch andsharevideos, photos and play games with everyone in your network.Youcan share videos, photos and posts as 24 hour stories inyourprofile. You will get notifications when the people in yournetworkcomment on your posts or share thiers with you. You will beable tonot only communicate with everyone in your network viainstantmessage, but you can transact for free in this simple andsecureall in one application via the AXIA Wallet. You can registerhereto create your AXIA Wallet or if you already have an AXIAWalletsimply login and it will be immediately integrated intoyourAXconnect profile. You will have full control over yourprivacysettings. You can choose what and when to keep anything youpostcompletely private or control who can see your activity. Youcansync AXconnect across all your devices whether they be aphone,computer or tablet. This allows you to use multiple devicesat thesame time. Security is of the highest priority.Therefore,AXconnect supports end-to-end encryption for allactivities in theapp.
AXdepot 1.0.0
AXdepot - is a first-of-its-kind cloud-based file storage appthatallows you to save and share large digital files that cannotbestored locally on your computer or mobile device. Theinnovativeparticipatory model allows users to be rewarded for anumber ofactions on the platform from uploading and storing filesto sharingthem with others through the cloud. This app also allowsyou tocreate and edit documents, spreadsheets and more. You canmonetizefiles you upload and create using thismulti-functionalapplication. Transactions are executed in a costefficient, simpleand secure manner using the AXIA Wallet. You canregister to createyour AXIA Wallet or if you already have an AXIAWallet simply loginand it will be immediately integrated into yourAXdepot profile.Once you perform actions in the system, you canearn rewards thatwill be automatically generated and deposited intoyour Wallet.Plus, sync AXdepot across all your devices whether theybe a phone,computer or tablet, allowing you to use the app onmultiple devicesat the same time. Security is of the highestpriority, therefore,AXdepost supports end-to-end encryption for allits users,protecting all of your files and ensuring total peace ofmind withregards to storing sensitive information.
AXplorer 1.0.3
AXplorer is a free private and secure online web browser whereyoucan confidently surf the Internet without being tracked.AXploreralso makes it easy to earn rewards while visiting all ofyourfavourite websites by opting into a benefits program where youareable to monetize your browsing data unlike the vast majorityofother browsers that exist today. You can register here tocreateyour AXIA Wallet or if you already have an AXIA Wallet simplyloginand it will be immediately integrated into your AXplorerprofile.It is up to you whether you want to turn data sharing offandbrowse in private mode or activate the AXplorer datasharingrewards system, which will result in AXC being depositeddirectlyinto your integrated AXIA Wallet after hitting certainbrowsingbenchmarks. Furthermore, you have the potential to earnadditionalrewards by watching selected videos and ads, visitingsuggestedwebsites and responding to short questionnaires. AXplorerhas allthe same characteristics as the most commonly used browsersandprovides the same access to all public websites that you canvisitonline, but finally gives you a chance to be in control ofyour owndata. You can sync AXplorer across all your devicesincludingphones, computers and tablets.
AXemble 4.6.1
AXemble is a free meeting audio and video app for personal useorfor professional businesses around the world. You havetheadditional benefit of using the AXemble for cost efficient,simpleand secure exchange with all the participants in themeeting.AXemble offers screen sharing, whiteboarding, instantmessaging,file sharing etc for free or transact and exchange withattendeesfor whatever the situation calls for with immediatesettlement. Youcan register here to create your AXIA Wallet or ifyou already havean AXIA Wallet simply login and it will beimmediately integratedinto your AXemble profile. You can recordimportant meetings byhitting the record button so you can save themfor later. You cansync AXemble across all your devices whether theybe a phone,computer or tablet. This allows you to use multipledevices at thesame time. Security is of the highest priority.Therefore, AXemblesupports end-to-end encryption for all activitiesin a meetingwhether they be via message, voice and / or video.
AXbox 1.0.2
AXbox allows users to upload, view, rate, share, comment andreporton videos. You can also stream live, video blog, alongwithsubscribing to other AXbox users. Most of the content isgeneratedand shared by AXbox users just like you. AXbox allowsusers to alsocharge for subscription services and to connect to alive streamvia the AXIA Wallet. You transact in a costefficient,simple,secure instant manner directly in the app. You canregisterhere to create your AXIA Wallet or if you already have anAXIAWallet simply login and it will be immediately integrated intoyourAXbox profile. It should be noted that unregistered userscanwatch, but not upload videos. Whereas registered users canuploadunlimited content or stream live as well as add comments.
AXchat 5.0.1
AXIA Coin is designed to be the new reserve currency for theworldand AXchat is a user’s secure all-in-one communicationsplatformconnected to this revolutionary decentralized currency.AXchat usesyour phone's Internet connection to let you message andcallfriends and family. send and receive messages, calls,photos,videos, documents, and Voice Messages all from AXchat. AXIACoin isspecifically designed to utilize blockchain technology toevolvebeyond traditional forms of money, modernize commerce andchangethe economic paradigm by delivering ongoing fundamental valuebackto its global user community through its participatoryeconomicmonetary model. AXchat is just one of many plannedapplicationsdesigned to extend your ability to interact with thisrevolutionarynew digital currency.


 -FREE TO HOLD- Use the embedded AXIA Coin wallet to freely andsecurely hold andutilize your AXIA Coin.

 - USE ANYWHERE - UseAXchat to send andreceive AXIA Coins from your friends, family andmake purchasesanywhere, anytime, just like you do with yourtraditional paymentproducts.

 - MULTIPLE VALUE ADDEDCOMMUNICATIONS FEATURES –Individual or group chat, video andcalling functionality isseamlessly integrated into this nextgeneration currency to provideusers with a community focusedapplication that connects peoplearound the world. - 

MULTIMEDIA -Send and receive photos, videos,documents, and Voice Messages. - NOFEES & MORE VALUE - Allconnected AXchat application featuresare 100% FREE and sending andreceiving AXIA Coins are also FREE! 

- SAFE & SECURE -Protection and secure solutions offeringmulti-factorauthentication, encryption, data redundancy, privacyand securestorage features.

AXwallet 1.1.3
A secure cryptocurrency wallet for the AXIA Network(MainNetversion). Built specifically to support the MainNet of theAXIANetwork, this initial version of AXwallet is released tosupportcommunity and interested users wishing to interact with theAXIAMainNet Network. Send, receive and stake AXIA Coin quicklyandsecurely with AXwallet. MOBILE STAKING Discover and participateinthe groundbreaking AXIA Mobile Staking and participate intheinnovative Proof-of-Participation consensus protocol of theAXIANetwork and earn outstanding staking rewards. Discover howtobecome a Nominator and elect Validators and all from thisapp.Become part of the AXIA Network all from your mobile phone.STAYSECURE AND REMAIN IN CONTROL Stay in control of your ownprivatekeys instead of trusting them to a centralized wallet orexchange.Avoid compromising your funds in the event of a hack ordata breachby maintaining your own private keys, as AXwalletautomaticallyencrypts them as well as transaction dataautomatically. Built-inseed phrase generation and 2FA for enhancedsecurity.
AXpay 1.0
AXpay is a secure global payments processing applicationthatfacilitates payments in AXIA Coin for both individualsandbusinesses. The app enables AXIA Coin transactions via a simpleQRcode that can be scanned locally or online in order tocompletepurchases. Through AXpay, vendors can also set uphighlycustomizable Loyalty Rewards Programs in a quick andefficientmanner in order to further optimize their businesses andofferexpanded value to customers. AXIA Coin is specificallydesigned toutilize blockchain technology to evolve beyondtraditional forms ofmoney, modernize commerce and change theeconomic paradigm bydelivering ongoing fundamental value back toits global usercommunity through its participatory economicmonetary model. AXpayis just one of many applications designed toextend the ability tointeract with this revolutionary new digitalcurrency forbusinesses and individuals.
AXIA Capital Bank
A banking app with a full suite of services for individualsandbusinesses.
AXshield 1.2.0
A free VPN with full device encryption
AXpress 1.0.3
Free social networking app to communicate with people all overtheworld